Types of CBD Oil in Australia Compared: Which is Best?

Best Type of CBD Oil in Australia

Today, a wide range of CBD oil types are available in Australia. This can make the process of picking the best kind of CBD oil for your specific needs daunting. Each type has pros and cons. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to select CBD’s ‘best’ form today.

Woman in Australia with CBD Oil

Even differentiating between these different product formulations can be confusing. You’ve likely encountered various terminologies such as CBD oil ‘isolate’, ‘full-spectrum’, ‘broad-spectrum’ or ‘CB2’ while exploring options in Australia.

Full-spectrum CBD Oil in Australia

It is imperative to know these distinct categories of CBD oil as they have their nuances. Benefits and risks across each can differ wildly. Having the right know-how enables you to purchase the best CBD oil in Australia to maximise your results with the product.

Pouring CBD Oil

It’ll additionally assist you in avoiding legal risks, health troubles or setbacks. Let’s delve into Australia’s different CBD oil types and compare each. We’ll help you uncover their unique characteristics and explore which one might be the best fit for you.

Types of CBD Oil in Australia

Bottle of CBD Oil in Australia

There are several main types of CBD oil in Australia. 

Each type of oil will have:

  • Distinct concentrations of the CBD cannabinoid (product strength)
  • Differing mixtures of minor cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, CBDa or THCV in (the CBD oil’s formulation)
  • Varying concentrations of phytonutrients like terpenes, fatty acids, plant matter and antioxidants

These variations in the characteristics of each CBD oil type influence what each type is best for.

There are three of these types. These are:


Isolate CBD Oil in Australia

In Australia, CBD oil derived as an isolate is the purest and most concentrated by undergoing extensive distillation and refinement. These additional refinement steps enable maximum filtration and purification of the cannabis extract, eliminating other phytocompounds while retaining CBD. 

This processing results in a CBD oil with extremely high purity and strength. Think of these products as being ‘isolated’ to CBD only. All other cannabinoids, including THC, are removed. The resulting extract is colourless and tasteless, making it much easier for many who don’t enjoy the flavour of full-spectrum CBD oil. All isolate CBD oils must contain less than 0.3% THC under Australian regulation.


Pouring full-spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum CBD oil is the least refined type. It contains the entire ‘spectrum’ of phytonutrients and minor cannabinoids that occur in cannabis. A downside for some people is that its cannabinoid content will include minor traces of THC. Full-spectrum CBD oil also retains raw plant matter, terpenes, and other nutrients from hemp. Due to this, it tends to be ‘murkier’ or darker. The green colour of this product comes from its containing chlorophyll, cannaflavins, flavonoids, and other antioxidant compounds that occur in hemp. Each boosts the antioxidative effects and metabolic benefits of this oil type.

Woman Holding CBD Tincture

Minor cannabinoids in full-spectrum formulated CBD products can include CBG, CBA, CBC, THCV, and CBN. Each has distinctive therapeutic benefits, which can often complement those of CBD. Obtaining a mixture of minor cannabinoids frequently has a more pronounced overall effect on well-being versus just taking CBD in isolation.

Many cannabinoids are synergistic and amplify each other. Additionally, the terpenes in full-spectrum formulations also compound this dynamic. A range of terpenes help the body to absorb cannabinoids like CBG or CBN. For example, the myrcene terpene can increase the absorption of CBD, bolstering its benefits for inflammation or anxiety.


Broad-spectrum CBD oil in Australia

In contrast to full-spectrum CBD oil types in Australia, broad-spectrum products are more refined. This is to filter out plant matter and THC from the formulation. These products don’t contain any THC, like isolate CBD oil. This makes them safer to use versus full-spectrum products for people who can’t risk THC consumption.

Broad-spectrum products contain a ‘broad spectrum’ of cannabinoids from hemp. Plus, they’re rich in terpenes and nutrients. 

They’re often formulated to contain high amounts of specific cannabinoids. For example, some broad-spectrum CBD oils are very high in CBN or CBG. In turn, they provide more targeted effects from these minor cannabinoids. For instance, broad-spectrum CBN oil tends to have solid advantages for sleep quality or insomnia alleviation. It has high levels of CBN, which has potent benefits for sleep health and circadian rhythm.

CB2 Oil

CB2 Oil Product

In contrast to other CBD types, CB2 oil is designed to maximise the activation of the CB2 receptors in the immune, peripheral nervous, and tissues. It’s mainly targeted towards bolstering immunity. Boosting immune function aids users with antiviral or antimicrobial defence. 

Most CB2 oils are broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD products marketed differently. They will usually claim to avoid targeting the brain’s CB1 receptors. As such, they are thought to have less mentally stimulating properties like relaxation or anxiety relief. This means they’re better targeted towards bodily recovery and immune health.

Comparing CBD Oil Types

Comparing CBD Oil Types

Now that we’ve covered the types of CBD oil in Australia, the question remains: which is best? Let’s begin by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Isolate CBD Oil

Isolate CBD Oil Drops

Here’s a summary of isolate CBD formulations’ main upsides and downsides.


Because isolates are the most pure form of CBD available, they’re excellent for those who are seeking to avoid THC consumption. Trace levels of THC are often found in full-spectrum CBD products as they’re less refined. By entirely filtering THC out, isolate CBD oil helps users avoid this problem. It’s safer for people who can’t risk intoxication, mental harm or failed drug tests from THC. Isolate CBD also tends to have the highest concentrations of CBD per ml of oil, making it the most potent CBD formulation by weight. 

Additionally, these product types have no smell or taste. This is a strong advantage of isolates versus full-spectrum formulated CBD oil, which is often hard to consume due to its flavour. Because it’s tasteless, isolate CBD is usually infused into other CBD products like balms, topicals, CBD edibles, or gummies. It’s ideal for this as it will keep the flavour and smell of these mediums.


For most people, CBD isolate oil won’t be the best choice. This is because these formulations don’t contain helpful terpenes, which enable the ‘entourage effect’ with CBD. Terpenes help CBD absorb at cannabinoid receptor sites, enhancing the benefits of CBD oil (known as the ‘entourage effect’). Missing out on amplifying CBD’s rich therapeutic potential in the body is a significant downside of isolate CBD formulations.

Additionally, these product types miss out on the other beneficial compounds from hemp. This includes potent antioxidants like flavonoids, cannaflavins, and beta-carotene that help with metabolic health. They also remove vitamins, minerals, fibre, and healthy fats such as omega-3. Overall, their lower nutrient content reduces the breadth of health effects and the ability to target conditions like inflammation with isolate CBD oil.

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

What are the advantages and disadvantages of full-spectrum CBD oil? Let’s take a look.


For most, full-spectrum CBD oil is the best type of CBD oil. This is due to its ideal blend of benefits to health, recovery and well-being. It contains the most incredible variety of cannabinoids, terpenes and phytocompounds. Each works together to promote the product’s overall efficacy in reducing inflammation, lowering pain and soothing anxiousness. In addition, the synergy between terpenes and CBD means that less dosage quantity can achieve the same results. You’ll be able to use less CBD and get more mileage out of each bottle. Nutritionally, full-spectrum CBD types are also superior. Each contains healthy fats like omega-3, vitamins, minerals and fibrous plant matter.


The most significant downside to full-spectrum CBD oil types is their higher THC content. In Australia, they can contain up to 0.3% THC under regulation. This denotes the product was sourced from industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is selectively bred to minimise THC content. However, the risk of THC consumption isn’t eliminated, and traces will be found in full-spectrum CBD formulations. Those who are drug tested regularly should avoid full-spectrum CBD products due to this.

Another drawback of full-spectrum CBD oil types is their flavour and scent. They produce a robust natural aroma because they’re rich in terpenes and raw plant matter. Often, this is quite potent and musky or earthy. Many users complain about the taste, which can be offputting. In these cases, full-spectrum CBD oil might not be the right choice. But the flavour can always be masked by adding it to a tasty snack, drink or treat. Try using it in a dessert or flavoured drink.

Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil

Broad-spectrum CBD

As the mid-ground between isolate and full-spectrum CBD products, broad-spectrum varieties combine some of the trade-offs of each CBD type.


Like isolates, broad-spectrum CBD oil won’t contain THC, which is advantageous. However, in contrast to isolates, it still contains beneficial minor cannabinoids and terpenes. Because of its terpene content, broad-spectrum CBD is usually more potent from the entourage effect. It is best suited for those who want to benefit from terpenes and minor cannabinoids while still minimising their risk of THC exposure.


The drawback of broad-spectrum CBD oil is that it is more pure and potent than CBD isolate oil. It also does not have the depth of phytonutrients or terpenes a full-spectrum CBD oil can offer. In addition, while THC content is typically nil, some broad-spectrum products do sometimes contain minor trace amounts of THC. These can often still be detectable in drug tests. The risk of this is low but worth mentioning. Additionally, due to its terpene and phytonutrient content, broad-spectrum CBD oil can have musk and taste, making it less compelling. 

Which CBD Oil Type in Australia is Best?

Dropper of CBD

There’s no answer to the best CBD oil type in Australia. Each type will work best for different people. Choosing a specific type of CBD oil will depend on your budget, preferences, health goals, and flavour requirements. 

When to Choose Isolate

If you want CBD’s highest concentrations and strength, choose an isolate. It’s also suitable for people who need 0% THC content. Isolates provide the most CBD for the lowest price without diluting it with other terpenes and nutrients. They’re the best option for anyone considering CBD oil who works in a drug-tested job. Isolates additionally remove risks of roadside drug testing failures from THC that can occur in Australia.

When to Choose Broad-Spectrum

Broad-spectrum CBD oil in Australia offers the benefits of minor cannabinoids and terpenes with the safety of no THC. These oils are best suited to those looking for quantities of particular minor cannabinoids, such as CBG or CBN, to help with certain conditions like anxiety. For example, a broad-spectrum solution containing high levels of CBN is suitable for improving sleep and circadian rhythm. CBN has particular properties and unique effects on the endocannabinoid system, making it ideal for improving sleep and reducing insomnia.

When to Choose Full-Spectrum

Full-spectrum CBD oils give the widest variety of health benefits and advantage of the entourage effect but will have THC in them. They’re the best starting option for beginners, providing they’re OK with a tiny amount of THC. Its complement of hemp antioxidants like cannaflavins aids it in supporting metabolic health as a side benefit.

CBD Oil vs. CBD Tinctures in Australia

Liquid Hemp Oil

In Australia, you’ll come across two names for liquid CBD products: CBD tinctures and oils.

  • CBD Tinctures: are CBD extracts infused into a carrier oil to disperse them and improve cannabinoid absorbability. A carrier helps carry CBD molecules and disperse them evenly for accurate dosing. Cannabinoids like CBD are fat-soluble, meaning their absorption can be amplified when added to a carrier solution like MCT or coconut oil. This can also aid with taste or texture for people who don’t find the nutty flavour of hemp appetising. 
  • CBD Oil: on the other hand, is a pure CBD extract without carrier oils added. They have higher strength but lower shelf life due to this. Additionally, their taste and absorption can be inferior. 

We recommend choosing CBD tinctures for their health and cannabinoid absorption advantages unless you have a specific allergy or intolerance to carriers.


Attractive Woman Considering CBD Oil

Choosing the best type of CBD oil in Australia for your needs requires careful consideration. Each type of CBD oil, such as isolate, broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, and CB2, has unique characteristics. As such, they’re all better targeted towards differing use cases or purposes. CBD Isolates are ideal for those who want to maximise their CBD intake and avoid THC.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil enables you to take advantage of terpenes and minor cannabinoids without THC consumption risk. Full-spectrum products provide the broadest variety of health benefits but will expose you to a small amount of THC. To decide on the best CBD oil in Australia, you must assess your purpose in using CBD oil and your personal preferences. CBD tinctures and oils can be equally suitable, but tinctures are better absorbed.


Is CBD isolate or full spectrum better in Australia?

Choosing between CBD isolate and full spectrum in Australia depends on your preferences and health needs. CBD isolate is purer, contains a higher strength of CBD, plus eliminates all THC content. In contrast, full-spectrum CBD offers a broader range of helpful nutrients from hemp, including terpenes, cannflavins and antioxidants. Terpene scent compounds from cannabis that are synergistic with cannabinoids like CBD and improve their potency. However, CBD isolates have a more neutral taste and smell than the earthy flavour of full-spectrum products, which can be unappealing.

Is CBD isolate more potent?

While CBD isolates have the highest CBD concentration and purity strength, they lack terpene content. Terpenes improve the strength of full-spectrum CBD oil. They aid absorption and the effects of cannabinoids like CBD. Both CBD types are effective, but you must use more CBD isolate oil to achieve the same results as a full-spectrum formulated product because it contains no terpenes. 

Is full-spectrum CBD more potent?

Full-spectrum CBD has lower potency for most people as it contains less CBD than isolates, but it will be stronger in effect from its terpene content. Terpenes such as linalool or myrcene help absorb cannabinoids and activate endocannabinoid production, stimulating elevated therapeutic responses from equivalent dosages. For most people, full-spectrum products are the superior choice for this reason and provide a better blend of nutrients, phytocompounds and antioxidants to supplement their therapeutic CBD content.

Why is CBD isolate better?

CBD isolate oil suits individuals who want pure CBD without any trace of THC or other cannabinoids. For example, if you are drug tested for work, it’s advisable to use isolates, which eliminate THC content via a higher degree of filtration. It’s also a preferred choice for those who may be sensitive to other compounds in hemp, don’t like the musky taste of full-spectrum CBD or want the most significant quantity of CBD possible per bottle.

Is CBD isolate less effective?

CBD isolate in Australia is not inherently less effective. It can be highly effective for specific purposes, such as targeted relief from anxiety or muscle aches. However, the more comprehensive range and variety of nutrients, plus terpenes in full-spectrum CBD, offers enhanced health benefits through the entourage effect between terpenes and cannabinoids.