CBD Oil for Cats: Top 10 Benefits and How it Works

CBD Oil for Cats

Today, the popularity of CBD oil for cats is more significant than ever among pet owners. More owners use it with their cats to help alleviate inflammation, anxiety, pain, and arthritis symptoms. Cats have an endocannabinoid system like humans, meaning they can take advantage of CBD’s therapeutic potential. Plus, it is entirely safe for felines when used correctly. CBD oil is safe for cats because it’s sourced from plants (hemp). It has minimal side effects and high tolerance.

Owner giving Cat CBD Oil

A precaution to take is ensuring your CBD product doesn’t contain THC, however. This is toxic to pets like cats, even in small quantities. Many owners now view CBD as one of the best alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs for cat health issues. Let’s delve into the benefits of CBD oil for cats. We’ll also review how it works for felines to help you decide whether it’s worth trying for your furry friend.

Benefits of CBD Oil for Cats

Bottle of CBD oil for cats

While the research is still early, we know that CBD has several health benefits in cats that cat owners can confirm anecdotally. Here are the ten benefits of CBD oil for cats.

Mitigating Feline Arthritis

Smiling Cat Arthritis Free

Did you know CBD oil can help cats with arthritis, just like humans? This is terrific news, considering that arthritis is common among cats. It mainly affects the joints of older pets. Over 70% of cats aged 12 and above suffer from some form of arthritis. 

Feline arthritis is an inflammatory condition that degrades a cat’s joints. This causes joint pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion, impairs a cat’s ability to play or exercise. Unfortunately, arthritis is often a degenerative condition that worsens with time.

Benefits of CBD Oil for Cats

CBD oil for cats helps mitigate the pain and inflammation associated with this frustrating condition. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in cats, which enables it to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. It works to block pain signals in the nervous system. This can soothe the perception of arthritis pain in cats. 

By reducing the pain associated with movement, CBD can encourage cats to engage in regular activity, essential for maintaining joint health and preventing further degeneration. CBD oil helps cats suffering from arthritis to regain movement, confidence and quality of life. 

Lowering Stress and Anxiety

CBD Cat Treats

Another significant benefit of CBD for cats is preventing anxiety. Cats are known to be sensitive animals that can experience anxiety and stress, just like humans. Various factors, including environmental triggers such as loud noises, cars, or other animals, can cause this. When cats experience too much stress, their bodies release cortisol, the stress hormone. Excessive cortisol exposure for a cat can lead to weight gain, reduced muscle mass, weakened immunity, and other health problems. 

Fortunately, CBD oil can help alleviate anxiety and stress in cats. It has potent calming effects without getting an animal ‘high’. It works on CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the feline brain, modulating the stress response. In turn, a cat will become more resilient to stress triggers and have heightened calmness. 

CBD can help cats feel more relaxed by reducing anxiety. This makes them less likely to exhibit behaviours such as scratching or biting, associated with heightened stress. 

Numerous cat owner have reported seeing positive changes in their pets’ behaviour after using CBD to treat their anxiety. This includes less fear-based behaviours, such as hiding or avoiding.

Epilepsy and Seizures 

Owner Holding Calm Cat

Cats suffering from epilepsy may benefit from CBD oil. Research has shown that CBD has a significant positive impact on the frequency and intensity of seizures in humans who suffer from this condition. However, it is still unclear whether this effect translates to cats. Epilepsy is a chronic condition that causes ongoing seizures. These occur when the neurons in the brain start firing abnormally, leading to chaotic motor neuron activity. In turn, the body becomes uncontrollable and seizes.

A recent three-month study on dogs has shown that CBD can significantly reduce the incidence and length of seizures by around 30%. This aligns with what has been observed in human trials targeting CBD for epilepsy relief. CBD is so effective in treating epilepsy among dogs that it is being used in new epilepsy drugs to support pets suffering from this condition. While there is limited similar research available on the use of CBD for treating epilepsy in cats, some anecdotal evidence from cat owners suggests that it may provide relief. 


CBD Cat Food

Like humans, cats can suffer from skin problems such as psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that occurs when a cat’s body produces excess skin cells in response to allergens it’s exposed to. A cat’s litter or environment often triggers it. For example, synthetic cat litters frequently irritate a cat’s skin and cause unsightly red blemishes.

This inflammation can be soothed with anti-inflammatory products, such as CBD oil for cats, that regulate the immune response. CBD oil interacts with the CB2 cannabinoid receptors in a cat’s skin to reduce inflammation. Many owners find it helps calm their furry friend’s sensitive, irritation-prone skin.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD oil contains healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, which assist with skin health. These nourishing fats can help keep your cat’s skin nourished and resilient. Applying CBD oil topically to your cat’s skin or fur can enrich the skin’s moisture levels and calm sensitivity. This works to keep your cat’s coat smooth, solid and hydrated.


A Cat Pouncing

CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe chronic inflammation in cats. This mainly benefits feline inflammatory conditions like colitis, IBS, or rheumatoid arthritis. CBD has anti-inflammatory effects in cats by altering the activity of cytokine proteins. These immune agents are the primary trigger for inflammation. Preventing their activity helps cats avoid the irritation, redness, and pain of excess inflammatory reactions. 

CBD also enhances the endocannabinoid anandamide, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the enzyme (FAAH) responsible for its breakdown. Higher levels of anandamide in cats can lead to reduced inflammation, relieving conditions like psoriasis.

Gut Health

Cat Eating CBD Treat

Gut health in cats is an often overlooked area where CBD can help. Cats may develop gastrointestinal issues due to allergens or imbalances in their gut flora, which can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and blood in stool. CBD can help soothe these issues by providing antimicrobial effects in the gut and bringing back healthy gut bacteria. It works with cannabinoid receptors in the gut lining to lower intestinal inflammation. A recent study from Queensland University in Australia showed that CBD has antimicrobial properties. This may explain how it reduces harmful bacteria from triggering gut problems or bloating from conditions like irritable bowel syndrome in cats.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can affect cats. Studies have shown that cannabinoids like CBD can reduce inflammation in the gut to counteract its adverse effects, alleviating discomfort from IBS. Additionally, hemp products contain antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lignans, which can support gut health in cats. 

Mood and Behaviour

Well Behaved Cat

Many cat owners have reported that their cat’s behaviour improves using CBD oil. For instance, the cat may become better behaved, less irritable, and more obedient after using CBD for some time. This is excellent news. Discipline and behavioural issues can be significant problems in many cats. Felines can even suffer from behavioural disorders like antisocial personality disorder, similar to humans. 

Such conditions can significantly affect a cat’s life. Self-mutilation or chronic repetitive behaviours may be exhibited. Avoidance and reduced interaction with owners may occur. Anecdotes from some cat owners suggest that CBD can reduce these problems and bring back normality to behaviour. Improved mood and confidence typically result in cats after starting them on CBD.

Diabetes in Cats

Cat with CBD Oil

Cats can develop diabetes, which impairs their natural insulin response. Insul is vital in processing sugars from food. Treating a diabetic pet can be challenging and stressful for many owners. However, CBD may provide some assistance. Chronic inflammation is a significant contributor to the development of type 2 diabetes. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of developing diabetes. 

Studies have shown that CBD can reduce the incidence of diabetes in normal-weight mice and may suppress the symptoms of diabetes. Another cannabinoid, THCV, has also been shown to combat diabetes. A 2013 study reported that THCV reduces glucose intolerance, improving the user’s insulin profile and liver triglyceride levels. All of these effects can be beneficial in mitigating the condition. However, it is currently uncertain whether these treatments work for pets like cats with diabetes.


Several Cats Lined Up

Some research indicates CBD could offer neuroprotective benefits in cats. It has displayed abilities to protect neurons and counteract cognitive decline. Specifically, CBD reduces neuroinflammation and helps prevent excitatory activity in neurons. This is crucial in supporting healthy neurons and microglia in the brain. Enabling these outcomes may help to slow the degeneration that occurs from neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s in cats. Some cat owners reported reduced memory loss in their pets after administering CBD oil. However, these reports are anecdotal, and more research is needed to confirm these benefits.


CBD Products for Cats

CBD has been shown to have a notable impact on the immune system. This is because immune lymph nodes contain CB2 cannabinoid receptors. These lymph nodes play a crucial role in the immune system’s signalling pathways, regulate the cells, and combat infections. Studies have revealed that CBG and CBD can aid in this immune activity. For instance, they offer anti-viral and immune-boosting properties that help with fighting viruses.

Additionally, CBD has been shown to help regulate excessive immune activity that causes autoimmune conditions. These effects of CBD also exist for cats. Using CBD to help stabilise immune function is now commonplace among cat owners. It’s an effective means to improve immune cell signalling and regulation. 

Research on CBD for Cats

Veterinarian Holding Cat

To date, few clinical studies have specifically targeted demonstrating the efficacy of CBD oil for cats. Most research on CBD’s effects on animals has centred on dogs and horses. However, there are some early signs that it’s powerful at improving feline health and assisting with many conditions based on early trials. Most initial studies have indicated that CBD oil is safe and beneficial for cats. These studies also emphasised the toxicity of THC in cats. 

A study in 2021 experimented on 20 healthy cats with both CBD and THC oil formulations to understand the effects of each. It found that oils containing THC triggered adverse reactions like ataxia and lethargy in cats. Those containing CBD alone didn’t display any such adverse effects. Some mild side effects, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, were seen, but CBD was well tolerated.

Cat CBD Drops

A 2020 study published in ‘Frontiers in Veterinary Science’ on cats suffering from osteoarthritis found that CBD aided in mitigating arthritis symptoms. Cats dosed with CBD daily during the trial had significantly lower pain scores, better mobility and improved mood.

Colorado State University’s review of CBD’s safety in pets also suggested CBD helped cats. This trial explored the safety and efficacy of CBD oil at high doses of 250mg per day in cats and dogs. Dosages were administered over six weeks. In all cases, CBD was well tolerated by the cats involved. The researchers concluded that providing CBD oil to cats or dogs was safe, giving the correct dosages. They also noted that mixing CBD with other medications would potentially cause harm. 

How Does CBD Work in Cats?

CBD Cat Food

CBD works in cats the same way it does in humans. When consumed, it activates a cat’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system in all cats influences their metabolism, immunity, and homeostasis. Specifically, it binds with and stimulates CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, triggering the production and release of beneficial endocannabinoids. 

Several endocannabinoids offer profound benefits for reducing inflammation, lowering anxiety, and helping mitigate cat pain. In particular, the anandamide and 2-AG endocannabinoids are the most potent in their therapeutic effects for cats. They work to lower stress and anxiety, promote calmness, and help normalise immune activity in cats. Such effects mean CBD can improve a cat’s health in various mental and physical ways.

Does it Get Cats High?

CBD Cat Treat

CBD does not get cats high and is well tolerated. It is entirely different from THC. THC is another cannabinoid that also occurs in cannabis and is responsible for its renowned ‘high’. It is highly toxic to pets, including cats. Never give your cat THC. It can cause liver toxicity and poisoning. Only use pure CBD oil for your feline friend.

This is important to remember when buying a CBD product for your cat. Never purchase anything containing any amount of THC. Look for CBD oil formulated for pets containing 0% THC. These should be an isolate or broad-spectrum oil for cats, containing no THC. CBD isolate is the pure form of CBD, while broad-spectrum CBD contains other cannabinoids and compounds from the hemp plant but no THC. These formulations ensure that the product won’t harm your cat.


CBD Product formulated for Cats

The rich benefits of CBD oil for cats have become more apparent over time. More cat owners than ever before are using this natural hemp extract. Its therapeutic potential for cats is immense. Studies are already indicating it helps with anxiety, inflammation, gut health, arthritis and more. It’s safe, well-tolerated, and has few side effects. When purchasing CBD oil for your cat, ensure it’s formulated for pets and contains 0% THC. To ensure maximum benefits and avoid any risks, it is recommended that cat owners consult with a veterinarian before giving their pet any new products. However, the right approach with CBD oil can significantly improve a cat’s well-being.


Is CBD good for cats?

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has been found to have several benefits in improving the overall well-being of cats. CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system of cats, which helps to reduce the symptoms of arthritis, chronic inflammation and anxiety in felines. In addition to these benefits, CBD has also been known to help promote calmness, reduce stress levels, and improve the behaviour of cats. CBD has emerged as a promising natural remedy to help cats live happy and healthy lives.

What do CBD treats do for cats?

CBD treats for cats are designed to provide CBD in a form that cats will enjoy. These products mimic the tastes and textures of a cat’s everyday foods, helping them to consume CBD. You can give your cat a CBD treat as an alternative to CBD oil. Treats are the ideal workaround for fussy eaters or cats who dislike CBD oil’s taste. They’re also easy to dose as each treat will contain a specific quantity of CBD.

How do cats feel on CBD?

Numerous pet owners have attested that administering CBD to their feline companions has resulted in a significant reduction in anxiety and stress levels, leading to an overall improvement in their mood and behaviour. Additionally, CBD has been found to help alleviate pain and inflammation in cats, which can cause irritability and discomfort.

Does CBD help cats with anxiety and aggression?

Many cat owners use CBD for their cat’s anxiety because of its anxiolytic effects. It works to support a better mental state and greater calmness naturally. For aggressive cats, it might not help, though. If your beloved cat is experiencing a personality or mood disorder, CBD alone may not be sufficient to cure the condition. Combining CBD with other treatments like additional pet training, behaviour conditioning, and other therapies can help to bring their overall behaviour back in line. It’s always advisable to consult your vet to determine the best approach and treatment plan for your cat.

Is CBD calming for cats?

CBD has anxiolytic properties and calms the nervous system in pets like cats. It can help cats build resilience against stressors, phobias or sources of anxiety. For example, it can aid them in ignoring barking dogs or loud noises. Most cat owners say their cats show reduced nervousness or jitters after using CBD for several weeks.


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