How CBD Oil is Made and Why it Determines Extract Quality

how cbd oil is made

Understanding how CBD oil is made is important because it plays a massive part in an extract’s quality. All CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. It’s produced via a process that takes multiple days and has numerous phases. Although all CBD is from the same plant, it isn’t all made the same. Providers differ in how they extract, refine, …

How CBD Affects the Brain: Neural Pathways Explained (Guide)

How CBD Affects the Brain

There are many ways in which CBD affects the brain. This naturally occurring cannabinoid from cannabis sativa is renowned for its calming, anxiolytic and mood-improving effects on the mind. Yet these effects all occur without it getting you ‘high’ like THC. The ways CBD works in the brain are varied and complex. It interacts with a range of brain receptor …

How CBD Oil Works in the Body: Endocannabinoid System Guide

How CBD Oil Works in the Body

Science has unveiled the mechanisms by which CBD oil works in the body to provide its rich health benefits. The CBD compound in this oil is a cannabinoid capable of interacting with myriad receptors in the body. These receptors exist in the body’s endocannabinoid system, immune system and other regions. Interestingly, CBD doesn’t just work on its own. It releases …

CBD vs Hemp vs Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

CBD vs Marijuana vs Hemp Differences

Although CBD, Marijuana and hemp come from the cannabis plant family, they are all different things. Many people get confused about these differences. Frequently, these terms are misunderstood or used interchangeably, which isn’t accurate. Cannabis sativa is a complex plant with many cultivars, strains, unique cannabinoids and categories of use. Different forms of cannabis plants, such as hemp or Marijuana, …

Terpenes in CBD Oil: Benefits, Uses and How They Work

Terpenes in CBD Oil Benefits

Some types of CBD oil in Australia contain terpenes, naturally occurring botanical compounds from hemp. Terpenes infuse the hemp plant with its hallmark scent and taste. Terpenes are notable when choosing CBD oil for several reasons. Some terpenes have valuable therapeutic effects. For instance, myrcene can reduce inflammation, calm anxiety, and block pain.  While terpenes are potent for well-being on …

Is CBD Oil Legal in Australia? Legality vs Medical Cannabis

Is CBD Oil Legal in Australia

Understanding whether CBD oil is legal in Australia is critical if you’re looking to buy or use it. Developments in Australian regulation in recent years have changed the legal treatment for CBD products. These changes came in light of CBD’s safety, health benefits, legalisation overseas and shifts in cultural perception of cannabis. The good news is that CBD oil is …

Why is CBD Oil So Expensive in Australia? Costs Explained

Why is CBD Oil so expensive in Australia?

There’s no doubt that CBD oil in Australia is often expensive. It can set you back upwards of a hundred dollars per 30mL bottle. This is often a significant barrier to buying and using CBD products in Australia. Demand has outstripped supply for CBD oil in most areas like NSW and VIC. Prices have trended upwards because of supply shortages …

How to Choose a CBD Oil in Australia: What to Look For

Choosing a CBD Oil in Australia

Understanding how to choose a CBD oil in Australia is essential due to the personal nature of this choice. Every CBD oil is different, and each person has a distinct need for it. With so many options, picking the right product to get the best results can be difficult. When choosing CBD oil, consider several factors, including its strength, hemp …

CBD Cream for Acne Australia: Benefits & Best Product

CBD Cream for Acne

Some people in Australia find CBD cream for acne beneficial in clearing their skin. CBD has several effects that make it helpful in managing acne. This skin condition affects individuals of all ages and is characterised by pimple breakouts. In more severe cases, it can cause cysts and nodules. Traditional acne treatments include over-the-counter creams, prescription medications like Accutane and …

CBD Oil for Seniors: How it Helps with Aging & Wrinkles

CBD Oil for Seniors

The popularity of CBD oil products has been growing among people from all walks of life. This includes people looking for health improvements and athletes. Today, even older people in their golden years use CBD oil for seniors. Thankfully, product options are available for the elderly to help address common ailments such as sleep problems, arthritis, or body aches. CBD …

Hemp Oil: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects (Full Guide)

benefits and uses of hemp oil

The incredible benefits of hemp oil can’t be understated. It promotes cardiovascular, brain, skin, immune and hormonal health. That’s because this all-natural extract from hemp is rich in various powerful phytonutrients. These include: Every drop contains these essential compounds, making the product remarkable for improving overall vigour and vitality. But how is hemp oil used? There are a few ways …

Where to Buy CBD Oil and CBD Gummies in Perth WA

CBD gummies in Perth

Looking to buy CBD oil in Perth? You’re not alone.  This natural, plant-derived hemp product has developed widespread renown in WA for its health-promoting benefits.  It’s now a household name around Perth. Countless Aussies already take it for mitigating anxiety, lowering inflammation, combatting pain and boosting recovery. Today, you can shop for CBD oil in Perth as it is legal …

Where to Buy CBD in Brisbane: Hemp Oil & Gummies in Queensland

Situated on the Brisbane River in southeastern Queensland, Brisbane is a state capital with many attractive qualities. Like much of Queensland, Brisbane is warm and offers many outdoor activities amongst its beautiful parks, rivers and natural scenery. This complements the city’s economic and cultural diversity, which sets it apart as one of Australia’s premier lifestyle and tourism destinations. With so …

Travelling with CBD Oil Guide: in Australia & On Flights

Travelling With CBD Oil

There can be substantial risks involved if you’re considering travel with CBD oil in Australia or overseas. Understanding the rules and taking the proper precautions to avoid legal risks is vital to staying safe. CBD products are legal in Australia, but there are some caveats to be aware of when travelling with them. For instance, taking CBD oil overseas with …

Where to Buy CBD in Adelaide: Hemp Oil & Gummies in SA

Where to Buy CBD in Adelaide

Adelaide is the capital of South Australia and is renowned for its vibrant mix of cultural and outdoor activities. South Australians are increasingly becoming well known for their health consciousness with a focus on active living and sports. People in Adelaide love to hike in the Adelaide hills, walk through Adelaide Park Lands or play AFL in one of the …

CBD for Dogs: Is It Safe? Side Effects & Risks to Know

Is CBD Safe for Dogs

Many dog owners in Australia are using CBD with their dogs without fully understanding the risks involved. While CBD has excellent health benefits and calming properties for canines, administering it to your dog before understanding its side effects, safety, and potential for harm is unwise. It can even be dangerous if you give your dog the wrong product. Dogs can …

Where to Buy CBD in Hobart: Hemp Oil & Balms in Tasmania

CBD Oil in Hobart

Hobart is the largest city in Tasmania and serves as the state capital, forming a hub for its administrative, artistic and economic activities. It lies between the Derwent River and Hobart Harbour, facing towards the Southern Ocean. Like most Tasmanians, people in the city are healthy and active. They enjoy walking throughout the city’s harbour parks and playing sports like …

Where to Buy CBD Oil and CBD Gummies in Melbourne VIC

CBD Oil Melbourne

If you want to know how to buy CBD oil in Melbourne, it pays to do your research.  In Victoria, CBD oil is legal. But there are several things to understand and be aware of before you shop for it. Many people are already doing so today. The growth of CBD oil stores around Melbourne has been staggering.  Everyone is …

Where to Buy CBD Oil and CBD Gummies in Sydney NSW

CBD Gummies in Sydney

If you’re looking to buy CBD oil in Sydney, there are many places you can do so today.  But before venturing out to search for locations to shop CBD oil near you, it’s vital to prepare ahead of time. Although CBD oil was made legal across Australia (including in NSW), other products like CBD gummies or CBD cream have constraints …

Byron Bay CBD Oil: Where to Buy Organic CBD from Nimbin

Buy Byron Bay CBD Oil

More people than ever are looking to buy Byron Bay CBD oil from the Nimbin region. This region is synonymous with cannabis culture in Australia. It shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s also a source of some of the best CBD products.  Northern NSW is at the intersection of wellness culture, organic philosophy and top-notch hemp cultivation. Due to this, …